How to Wash Silk Wild Rags

Wondering how to properly wash your silk wild rags and keep them in tip top shape? We've got you covered.
Disclaimer: This method is not recommended for wild rags made of silk below 14 momme (weight) or wild rags with hand-rolled hems. All of our Amber Waves wild rags are 14-19 weight and have strong machine-stitched hems.
Silk is a natural fiber and even though it is quite durable in the right weight and application (like our 19 weight wild rags), it does require some extra care when washing to make sure it has a long life. If your M.O. is to throw all of your laundry into the wash together on hot, then be sure to set those wild rags aside and learn how to wash them the right way.
Before you get started, you'll want to gather up a mesh laundry bag, a gentle detergent appropriate for silk, and an iron if you really want your wild rag to look sharp when you're done. You can find mesh laundry bags anywhere and you can use a gentle detergent like Woolite, but we recommend our Amber Waves silk detergent (p.s.- we even throw in a mesh laundry bag for you).
Here's how to wash your silk wild rags, pillowcases, or other silk items.
- Toss your silk items into a mesh laundry bag and zip it closed. Be sure to only wash similarly saturated colors together. For example, we would not recommend washing your crisp white "Brindle" wild rag with your deep plum "Mulberry" wild rag. Some color release when washing is completely normal, especially with deeply saturated colors, so we don't want to take any chances.
- Wash on a cold, delicate cycle with approx. 1 tsp-1 tbsp of silk detergent into the wash, depending on your load size. COLD water is KEY.
- Hang to dry or press with an iron on the medium/silk setting. If you hang to dry, your silk will not have that original luster or sheen that it came with, but it will soften right back up with wear. Ironing or steaming your silk will help the fibers relax and restore that beautiful luster we all love.
That's it! Your silk products are now clean and ready to go back to work.